On Tuesday 16th June we held our next Lifting the Lid event on Zoom, this time on cancer and friendship.

Our amazing host Alice-May Purkiss (author of "Life,  Lemons and Melons" and co-founder and host of the podcast Afterthoughts) was joined by our fantastic panel who really opened up the topic of maintaining and reestablishing friendships after a cancer diagnosis. Thank you so much to our experts Dr Cathering Hood (Professor in Communications and Consultant in Psychosexual Medicine) and Glyn Harries (CLIC Sargent Social Worker for Essex) as well as Georgie Swallow (Trekstock Young Adult Ambassador), Sadruz Zaman (Trekstock beneficiary) and Pippa Davies for joining us. 

The two young adults that joined us shared their experiences of being diagnosed with cancer and how thisaffected their relationships with their friends. Georgie talked about how after her first diagnosis she had learnt about communicating her feelings and what she needed from her friends. Sadruz spoke honestly about his diagnosis affecting him as a person and how this then affected his friendships.

Our experts Dr Catherine Hood and Glyn Harries gave amazing tips and advice on everything from how to cope when friends say the 'wrong' thing to repairing relationships after they have broken down. We also had Pippa join us, Georgie's friend, who spoke about what she found helpful when Georgie was diagnosed and how she coped when she relapsed. 


Our next event in the Lifting the Lid series is Lifting the Lid on Cancer in the BAME Community. For more information and to book your free ticket just click here.